I love this idea - found at Kristen's blog the
Hunted Interior. When I see the words "cinder block shelves", I don't get a really awe inspiring vision in my head. More like college dorm cinder block shelves. But this finished project is not only functional but looks great. These ain't your college dorm cinder block shelves.
I made a concrete block planter... Filled with gorgeous succulents... Just like everyone else...
But do you really think I would make a concrete planter just like everyone else? I don't think so! We made an outdoor bar!
I was completely awestruck when I originally saw Annette's DIY Cinder Block Planter on Apartment Therapy.
Pure genius. Since that post these planters have been popping up
everywhere. I knew I wanted in, I just couldn't figure out the
Doing what I always do (& try to instill in all my loyal hunters) I
found myself digging around trying to find things to update our deck. I
knew I had some large old deck boards that I stained with my vinegar & steel wool mixture.
They ended up not being used for the desk, so they went back under the
deck... Calling to me. "If you Build Me. They will come!" After
doing a bit of measuring I realized I needed an outdoor bar. I mean who
doesn't need an outdoor bar?!? I had the wood for the top & I
needed a sturdy base. { Enter concrete blocks here } I literally threw
myself, my mom & the little's in the car & headed to Home
Depot. The project had begun.
Easy enough right? You stack up some blocks, plant some flowers, put on
a top... Done. Well it's never that easy. This is how we built our
Concrete Planter/Bar.
First up... Layout. Put on your strong arms, or borrow some if you can
& figure out your optimum layout. Mine ended up symmetrical
(shocker I know!) but if it had been wider I would have been all about
organized chaos. Also remember that staggering your seams will make for
a stronger structure.
Once you have your layout, take a picture, draw a diagram, make some
sort of reference so you don't forget. Disassemble your blocks &
start gluing them together. Easy right... yeah, we talked about that
earlier. It was like Goldilocks up in here. Our first tube of
industrial strength concrete glue (thanks neighbor) was so old it had
formed into a plasticy tube. No go. Our second attempt was using
StrongStick Adhesive by DAP. Seemed like it worked until it came apart.
Strike two. Ugh! I seriously almost scrapped the idea at this point.
One more try... { Enter heavenly cherubs singing }
We used two tubes of this magic adhesive in our caulk gun. I am proud
to say this thing isn't going anywhere without a sledge hammer! Let's
get to gluing.
Since we were turning this into a table, it needed to be in the realm of
level. We added wood shims to aide in this. Checking on every level.
Once done... Let it cure. I know you will be tempted to check. DON"T
just glue it & walk away.
After it is solid, as...well concrete, it is time to plant. We used
large squares of 1/4" Hardware Cloth & shoved it into the openings
that would be planted. I tried Chicken Wire as other sites had
suggested, but again, no go. I couldn't get it to stay. The Hardware
Cloth is more rigid & held much better for us.
Following the Hardware Cloth, cut a square of Landscape Cloth to keep in your potting soil.
And plant some GORGEOUS succulents.
At this point, if you just wanted a planter, you are done!
If you want to go all the way, like we did there are just a few more
steps... We used weatherproof Liquid Nails to glue our two boards
to each other. Followed by some metal plates for extra stability
Once the glue has dried, attach it to your planter... We attached L
brackets to the underside of the wood top that lined up with the
openings in the concrete blocks. This way it is a stable top, but it
can still be removed to aide in planting.
And every console needs a piece of artwork above it... I love how our door project transformed a plain door into a piece of art.
Our outdoor space has become a fun & bright space that we will enjoy
all summer! No really, the littles refuses to go inside now! I guess
all I can do now is pour a glass of lemonade, sit back & scheme up
my next project!